Monday, September 26, 2011

Fun Days

Hello world! Today I am supposed to write a blog entry for school, so I chose to talk about something fun I've been doing for the past couple days and for a day or two more. Grampie is out of town for a few days, so I came to stay with Grammie. It has been soooo much fun! Today we go over to Aunt Pam's to do sewing and eating. Two extreme sports.

Mommy sent some school work with me, so I'm busy trying to get that done so we can go to Aunt Pam's!!! At night, we just sit and watch TV shows that we want to see. Oh, and the ice cream. How could I forget the ice cream! We sit in the living room, eating ice cream and watching TV. What a dream!

Bella Camille


  1. you are so silly. But I'm happy to see that your two favorite extreme sports are being perfected.....

  2. It has been a joy! But don't forget that we also do swimming!

  3. Uh... How could I have forgotten that(;

  4. I can't wait to get out of work and go back to "Aunt Pam's" for an evening of sewing, talking, eating, and possibly swimming!

  5. YEA!!!!! I know!!!!! I really can't wait for the swimming!!
